Adding your Task to the Dependency Plotting Tool

How to create a task dependency graph is described in Analysis Tools. By default, it should pick up and plot the new task. However, you might want to customize the plotting a bit, e.g. if you’re introducing a new ‘family’ of tasks or you’d like them plotted as a cluster instead of individually. In both cases, we need to modify the tools/ script.

Colouring in the Task Nodes

First, decide on a colour. If you want to use the same colour as already existing task types, find its key in the task_colours dict, which is defined at the top of the file. If you want to add a new colour, add it to the task_colours dict with a new key.

Then the script needs to identify the task types with which it is working. To do so, it will check the task names, which are generated following the scheme taskname_subtaskname, where taskname is defined in taskID_names and subtasknbame is defined in subtaskID_names in task.c. In tools/, you’ll have to write a function that recognizes your task by its name, like is done for example for gravity:

def task_is_gravity(name):
    Does the task concern the gravity?


    name: str
        Task name
    if "gpart" in name:
        return True
    if "grav" in name:
        return True
return False

You’ll need to add the check to the function get_task_colour():

if taskIsGravity(name):
    colour = task_colours["gravity"]

Feel free to pick out a nice color for it :)

Adding Clusters

In certain cases it makes sense to group some tasks together, for example the self and pair tasks when computing hydro densities, gradients, or forces. To do this, you’ll need to modify the function task_get_group_name in src/task.c. The group is determined by the task subtype, e.g.

case task_subtype_grav:
  strcpy(cluster, "Gravity");

But since the task type itself is also passed to the function, you could use that as well if you really really need to. And that’s it!