What about MPI? Running SWIFT on more than one node
After compilation, you will be left with two binaries. One is called swift
and the other swift_mpi
. Current wisdom is to run swift
if you are only
using one node (i.e. without any interconnect), and one MPI rank per NUMA
region using swift_mpi
for anything larger. You will need some initial
conditions in the GADGET-2 HDF5 format (see Initial Conditions)
to run SWIFT, as well as a compatible yaml parameter file.
SLURM Submission Script Example
Below is an example submission script for the SLURM batch system. This runs SWIFT with thread pinning, SPH, and self-gravity.
#SBATCH --partition=<queue>
#SBATCH --account-name=<groupName>
#SBATCH --job-name=<jobName>
#SBATCH --nodes=<nNodes>
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=<nMPIRank>
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=<nThreadsPerMPIRank>
#SBATCH --output=outFile.out
#SBATCH --error=errFile.err
## expected runtime
#SBATCH --time-<hh>:<mm>:<ss>
./swift_mpi --pin --threads=<nThreadsPerMPIRank> \
--hydro --self-gravity \